Bread and Nukes: Stuxnet’s Collateral Damage?

According to a Fox News exclusive, experts think the Stuxnet virus is still wrecking havoc on Iran’s nuclear program, particularly to the centrifuges. Yet it’s worth considering that even cyber-warfare — like all kinds of warfare — can produce “collateral… Continue Reading

FDD Opens Iran Confab; Dinner at Oren’s? (Nope! UPDATED)

(UPDATED: Below I guessed that the FDD fundraiser at the residence of an unnamed ambassador to the U.S. would be at Israeli ambassador Michael Oren’s house. Wrong, wrong, wrong! Turns out it was a Pakistani ambassador Husain Haqqani’s house. That… Continue Reading

The Daily Talking Points

News and views on U.S.-Iran relations for December 10, 2010: The Journal of International Security Affairs: Senior Heritage Foundation fellow Peter Brookes writes in the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) journal that Arab concerns over Iran’s nuclear program “is… Continue Reading

Closer Looks at Cables Reveals that Gulf Arab Leaders “Get” Linkage

While Iran hawks, such as Jennifer Rubin and David Frum, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have been quick to push the story that WikiLeaks cables prove “linkage”—specifically that curbing Iran and resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are inextricably linked—is an… Continue Reading