As the Far Right Goes Global, So Do Anti-BDS Bills

by Rachel Hodes Israeli politics have moved into uncharted territory over the past several months, as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu found himself unable to form a coalition large enough to claim victory in last spring’s elections. However, even as the Israeli state… Continue Reading

Boris’ Band of Brexiteers Could Spell Disaster for Palestine

by Nick McAlpin In Europe, Brexit will undoubtedly come to define recently elected Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s tenure. In the Middle East, however, his leadership of the Conservative Party may soon see the UK government align itself even more firmly… Continue Reading

Congress Opposes Non-Violent Support for Palestinian Rights

by Mitchell Plitnick This has not been a good week for Democrats, especially those who wish to cast their party as the progressive alternative to the Trump-McConnell regime. As the feckless party leadership continued to avoid taking any action against… Continue Reading

‘To Ask an Arab Student to Internalize This Is a Way of Humiliating Him’

by Henriette Chacar Before an Israeli high school student can participate in a school-sponsored trip overseas they must first answer a series of questions. “How do Palestinian organizations use social media?” is one of them. The only correct answer? “To incite… Continue Reading