The Daily Talking Points

News and views on U.S.-Iran relations for December 8, 2010: The Washington Times: Ilan Berman, vice president of the hawkish American Foreign Policy Council, writes that the WikiLeaks cables “demolishes a number of sacred cows relating to American policy towards… Continue Reading

Iran Hawks Draw Lessons from DPRK Despite Ongoing Uncertainty on Korean Peninsula

Details are still emerging on the exchange of artillery fire in the Yellow Sea following what has been described as a North Korean artillery attack on South Korea. However, this incident, combined with reports of Pyongyang’s highly enriched uranium (HEU) facility,… Continue Reading

Ben Birnbaum Attempts to Revive ‘Arab States Support Military Strike’ Argument

As mentioned in today’s Daily Talking Points, The Washington Times’ Ben Birnbaum is attempting to keep current the discredited, but never quite dead, argument that Arab states would support a U.S. or Israeli military strike on Iran’s alleged nuclear weapons… Continue Reading