Trump’s War Hysteria Against Iran Ignores Middle East Realities

by Emile Nakhleh By threatening a devastating war against Iran, President Donald Trump’s recent response to Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani’s benign statement about “the mother of all peace” and “the mother of all war” is another example of erratic and… Continue Reading

Will the Trump Administration Attack Iran?

by William D. Hartung In a move that set off alarm bells among those concerned about the potential consequences of the harsh turn in U.S.-Iranian relations, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation reported last week that unnamed “senior officials” of the Australian government were… Continue Reading

Boys Go to Baghdad, Real Men Go to Tehran

by Shervin Malekzadeh The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) was as much a domestic initiative as it was a foreign policy endeavor, as analysts such as Reza Marashi and Ariane Tabatabai have been saying. It’s a way for the… Continue Reading

Iran Deal: When The Tumult and the Shouting Dies

by Robert E. Hunter Shakespeare said that “old men forget.” And so, it seems, do societies. Fifteen years ago, a US administration, from the president through his top aides, lied the nation into invading Iraq, and the region and the… Continue Reading

After Syria Strike, Showdown Looms over Future of Iran Nuclear Deal

by Shemuel Meir Western powers made good on their warning to the Assad regime on April 14, 2018, and attacked the production and storage sites of the chemical weapons in his possession. The coordinated, wide-ranging operation by the United States,… Continue Reading