The Peace Process Is Dead: Thanks, Obama

by Mitchell Plitnick As the curtain drops on 2017, it drops too on the Israeli-Palestinian peace process as we have known it. At the age of 24, that process has finally died, with none other than President Donald Trump pulling… Continue Reading

The President Plays with Matches, and the Whole World Burns

by Rebecca Gordon “I’ve just heard that my family home near Carpenteria is literally in flames at this moment,” a friend told me recently. She was particularly worried, she said, because “my mom has MS. She and my dad got… Continue Reading

Army arrests Palestinian teen for hurting soldiers’ masculinity

by Yael Marom The IDF Spokesperson was clearly excited to publish the details of a complicated military operation that took place Tuesday morning: under the cover of darkness, Israeli Border Police broke into the Tamimi family’s home and arrested 17-year-old Ahed, taking… Continue Reading

Uniting, Against Trump’s Policies, for Peace

by Paul R. Pillar When North Korea began the Korean War with an invasion of South Korea in June 1950, the armed response was waged under the flag of the United Nations thanks to the Soviet Union having absented itself… Continue Reading