Meet the Republican Mega Donors Funding Washington’s Iran Hawks

by Eli Clifton Washington’s premier hawkish think tank is funded by a small handful of Republican mega donors, according to a just-published tax filing. The Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD), which employs some of the most consistent advocates of crippling… Continue Reading

Iranian Elections: Netanyahu, Neoconservatives Are the Big Losers

by Mitchell Plitnick Outside of Iran, there is no doubt that the biggest losers in Iran’s election this past weekend were the Likud government in Israel and its supporters, especially neoconservatives, in the United States. The response of Israel’s Prime… Continue Reading

Recapping Iran Sanctions Logic Ahead of Talks

by Jasmin Ramsey The following quote from this Washington Post article on last week’s nuclear talks with Iran stood out despite it being a regurgitation of past statements: “I don’t want to overpromise, but we’re encouraged,” said the official, speaking to reporters… Continue Reading

Recycling the “Friends of Hamas” Canard Against Chuck Hagel

by Marsha B. Cohen Taking advantage of the delay in the vote on Chuck Hagel’s nomination to the Senate, the spinmeisters of the anti-Hagel propaganda machine have a new charge to hurl at the former Nebraska Senator. Ben Shapiro of… Continue Reading

Did you hear? It’s Khamenei’s Job to Set Israel on Fire

by Farideh Farhi During my childhood days in pre-revolutionary Iran, I played the game Telephone often. It began with one kid whispering a phrase to the person beside them. Each child then whispered the same phrase until it reached the… Continue Reading