And the Foreign Affairs Reorganization Fight Is On!

by Diana Ohlbaum Buffeted by a double whammy of restructuring proposals—one from the White House recommending a transfer of the State Department’s Population, Refugees, and Migration Bureau (PRM) to the Department of Homeland Security, another from development experts recommending a… Continue Reading

Redesigning the Foreign Aid Architecture

by Diana Ohlbaum Donald Trump is hardly the first U.S. president to call for bureaucratic reorganization to improve government efficiency and effectiveness. But his demand for crippling and disproportionate cuts in international spending, his attacks on multilateral cooperation, and his… Continue Reading

Good News, Bad News in Trump’s International Affairs Budget

by Diana Ohlbaum Expert reviews of President Trump’s proposed budget for international affairs have been almost uniformly negative—and for good reason. Severe and disproportionate cuts for the State Department and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) would undermine U.S. national… Continue Reading