Tweeting While the Planet Burns

by Tom Engelhardt It’s January 2025, and within days of entering the Oval Office, a new president already faces his first full-scale crisis abroad. Twenty-four years after it began, the war on terror, from the Philippines to Nigeria, rages on.… Continue Reading

America’s Carbon-Pusher in Chief

by Michael T. Klare Who says President Trump doesn’t have a coherent foreign policy?  Pundits and critics across the political spectrum have chided him for failing to articulate and implement a clear international agenda. Look closely at his overseas endeavors,… Continue Reading

Destroying the Planet, and U.S. Leadership Along With It

by Paul R. Pillar With the wide path of destruction that Donald Trump has been cutting—in which the damage is affecting matters ranging from principles of nondiscrimination to ethical integrity of government officials to reliable health care for Americans—it is… Continue Reading

Dystopian Donald: The Future According to Trump

by Tom Engelhardt Can you doubt that we’re in a dystopian age, even if we’re still four weeks from Donald Trump entering the Oval Office? Never in our lifetimes have we experienced such vivid previews of what unfettered capitalism is… Continue Reading