Sadjadpour: FM Firing ‘little substantive impact’

Our IPS colleague Omid Memarian has a piece up at the wire explaining Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s sudden Monday firing of his foreign minister, Manoucher Mottaki. Memarian’s piece draws on Iranian sources to describe the political context of, and gauge reactions… Continue Reading

Sadjadpour: Arab leaders don’t want democratic Iran

Matt Duss at Think Progress picks up on Carnegie Endowment expert Karim Sadjadpour‘s Financial Times piece yesterday to point out that military containment won’t work against as a strategy against a country — Iran — that garners regional clout through… Continue Reading

The Daily Talking Points

News and views on U.S.-Iran relations for November 26, 2010: Jerusalem Post: The right-wing English language Israeli daily has a piece by columnist Michael Freund, who revives the push that U.S. President Barack Obama can save his presidency by attacking Iran.… Continue Reading

Duss: Yes, Iran like USSR, Only ‘far, far weaker’

On Think Progress’s Wonk Room, Matt Duss reviews Carnegie associate Karim Sadjadpour’s Foreign Policy article about which historical model best fits U.S.-Iran relations. (Eli covered Sadjadpour’s piece last week.) Duss agrees with Sadjadpour’s conclusion that the Soviet Union is the… Continue Reading