Spotlight on Gorka’s Controversial Medal

by Eva S. Balogh [Editor’s Update: Coincident with the publication of this post, The Forward published a detailed investigative report by Budapest-based Lili Bayer on Gorka’s ties to anti-Semitic groups in Hungary while he was politically active in that country… Continue Reading

Gorka’s Plan to Defeat Terrorism: Buy Guns, Read Islamophobes

by Eli Clifton Newly appointed Deputy Assistant to the President Sebastian Gorka has a track record of advising the military and national security elite, including, according to his biographies, the U.S. Special Operations community, the National Intelligence Council, the FBI,… Continue Reading

Trump’s Anti-Semitism Spawns Dangerous Reactions

by Mitchell Plitnick When Donald Trump declared that 70-80% of the U.S. Jewish community (the percentage that is voting Democrat these days) suffered from “a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty,” it set off a firestorm of objections from… Continue Reading