The Daily Talking Points

News and views relevant to U.S.-Iran relations for October 18: New York Post: Disgraced Iranian journalist Amir Taheri writes that Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki “seems set to strike a Faustian bargain to cling to power: He is ready to… Continue Reading

Marty Peretz: Nasrallah and Ahmadinejad Are “Crazy” and Obama is to Blame

The New Republic Editor Martin Peretz is no stranger to controversy but it’s worth noting that his blog post this morning, titled “Ahmadinejad At The Lebanese-Israeli Border—Another Obama Debacle,” managed to incorporate not one but two classic neoconservative arguments for… Continue Reading

2002 deja vu: neocons conflate Iran and Al Qaeda

I have a new piece up at AlterNet detailing how Cliff May, the president of the Foundation to Defend Democracies, is up to his old tricks. In a recent piece on National Review Online, May united Iran and Al Qaeda… Continue Reading