The Daily Talking Points

News and views relevant to U.S.-Iran relations for September 28: Washington Post: The Post picks up a report from the Associated Press about the upcoming arrival in Tehran of an Omani delegation to secure the release of the two remaining… Continue Reading

WINEP’s Robert Satloff Retreads the Reverse Linkage Argument

In his recent piece posted on Foreign Policy,  Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP) executive director Robert Satloff’s advice to Obama offers a near textbook example of the neoconservative conviction that linkage—the concept that peace between Israel and its… Continue Reading

Obama Offers Lukewarm Endorsement of Linkage

Earlier today, President Barack Obama told a group of Jewish leaders that resolving tensions between Israel and its Arab neighbors would increase Iran’s isolation. The comments, which were written up by Foreign Policy’s Josh Rogin, would suggest that neoconservatives who… Continue Reading

Iran-Israel Status Quo Inspires Both Hawks and Doves

There’s an interesting dichotomy in the current perspectives regarding Israel’s position on Iran. Both those who advocate for an Israeli (or U.S.) strike on Iran and those opposed to such action are using the tense status quo between the countries… Continue Reading

Reverse Linkage: Debunked Iraq War Talking Point Is Back

Last week brought a marked increase in neoconservatives and their allies pinpointing “where the road to peace” leads through. In 2002 and 2003, they argued that road leads “through Baghdad.” In 2010, it now leads “through Tehran.” On a nearly… Continue Reading