Neoconservative Bloggers Continue Offensive Against HSBC’s Sanctions Busting… Ad

Blogger Alana Goodman, writing for Commentary‘s Contentions blog, and Jennifer Rubin, blogging for The Washington Post, are continuing their offensive against HSBC for daring to incorporate a statistic about women filmmakers in Iran into a recent advertisement. Both Rubin and Goodman… Continue Reading

Recess Appointments and The Politics of Diplomacy

All four of the ambassadors who received recess appointments from President Obama were considered fully qualified by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, who approved their nominations and sent them to the full Senate for confirmation. All have been kept from taking up their diplomatic posts on by unilateral actions on the part of one or two senators, who prevented their appointments from reaching the Senate floor for the votes that almost certainly would have confirmed them. Continue Reading

The Attack on HSBC’s Factoid about Iranian Filmmakers

The Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin has added her voice to the neoconservative uproar over the recent HSBC ad, which contains a factoid about Iran’s film industry. The ad, which Ali has already dissected on this blog, makes the relatively innocuous… Continue Reading

The Daily Talking Points

News and views on U.S.-Iran relations for December 28, 2010: The Weekly Standard: The Foundation for Defense of Democracies‘ Reuel Marc Gerecht and Mark Dubowitz write that the Obama administration’s sanctions against Iran have “assiduously avoided punishing any major European,… Continue Reading