The Daily Talking Points

News and Views Relevant to U.S.-Iran relations for August 9th, 2010: The Washington Note: Steve Clemons says that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has become a conflict that matters, “…far beyond the Israeli and Palestinian populations and is a screaming, right now… Continue Reading

Bromwich on the Failures of Obama as War President

Yale professor and prolific author David Bromwich takes some swipes at President Barack Obama’s war policies. Most of the piece on The Huffington Post is more generally on U.S. attitudes about war in the post-9/11 world, citing examples like the… Continue Reading

Blinded in Gaza: The “Liberal” Media’s Seeing Eye Dogma

The barks of pro-Israel media “watchdog” groups like CAMERA (Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America), The Israel Project , and the meretriciously monikered website HonestReporting have echoed the Israeli government’s talking points about the Israeli navy’s attack on half a dozen civilian ships bringing aid to Gaza, in defiance of an Israeli blockade.

But if you’ve been looking to the so-called “liberal” media for more balanced coverage of the events as they’ve unfolded in the international waters off the Gaza coast, you’ve probably gotten thef yip-yap of a pro-Israel poodle. Continue Reading