Trump’s Scorched Earth Tour of Europe

by Mitchell Plitnick Like many other US citizens, I get very nervous every time Donald Trump goes to meet with foreign leaders. Whether they are friend, foe, competitor, or ally, it seems almost inevitable that Trump will find a creative… Continue Reading

The Right Way to Support Human Rights in Iran

by Eldar Mamedov When the protests erupted in Iran during the West’s holiday season, not a few folks hoped that the US and the EU would bridge their recent differences over the nuclear deal (the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action… Continue Reading

The Executive Order Puts Us in Limbo

by Mina Al-Oraibi Sadness. Frustration. Encouragement. Bewilderment. Anger. Motivation. Name the emotion, I have gone through it since last Friday when President Donald Trump stuck to his campaign pledge and imposed a blanket travel ban on millions, while suspending refugee… Continue Reading

The Hangover (British Version)

by John Feffer It’s the morning after. The British have woken up, dazed and woozy. They’re not exactly sure what happened a few days ago. But one thing is clear: Their political environment is a shambles. Some things are mysteriously… Continue Reading