Fact-Checking the Fact Checkers: Romney’s Foreign Policy Speech

With the widely touted shift in the public opinion polls after the first presidential debate, Mitt Romney is no longer an underdog. That being the case, his pronouncements are attracting some well-deserved scrutiny from mainstream media sources. Romney’s major foreign… Continue Reading

The Strategic Logic of Netanyahu’s “Iranian Bomb”: Rules of the Road (Runner?)

In making his case against Iran in his United Nations speech, Benjamin Netanyahu held up a crude graphic intended represent an Iranian bomb. The Israeli Prime Minister drew a line with a red marker to emphasize the urgent need for action… Continue Reading

Israeli PM Launches Verbal Attack on US

Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu seems to be having a hard time keeping a lid on his temper these days. But the White House may also be losing patience with Netanyahu. Continue Reading

Capital Crime? Walking the Party Plank on Jerusalem

“It is unfortunate that the entire Democratic Party has embraced President Obama’s shameful refusal to acknowledge that Jerusalem is Israel’s capital,” declared Mitt Romney on September 4. The deletion of a single sentence about Jerusalem in the Democratic platform, which reportedly had… Continue Reading

Obama needs a Game-Changer on Iran

This was one of the most memorable lines from Barack Obama’s 2008 acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention: “…the greatest risk we can take is to try the same, old politics with the same, old players and expect a… Continue Reading