Aleppo and 1914

by Paul R. Pillar The centenary in 2014 of the outbreak of World War I elicited comparisons between the circumstances of the European crisis that touched off that horrendous conflict and conditions that surround current international conflicts. Many such comparisons… Continue Reading

Washington’s Twenty-First-Century Opium Wars

by Alfred W. McCoy After fighting the longest war in its history, the United States stands at the brink of defeat in Afghanistan. How can this be possible? How could the world’s sole superpower have battled continuously for 15 years,… Continue Reading

Challenges and Consequences of the “Battle for Syria”

by Robert Olson The struggle as to what countries, armies, militias and groups will dominate in Syria and Iraq is of crucial significance to the future of the Middle East, not just for the Arab countries but for Turkey, Iran, Israel… Continue Reading