Causes and Consequences of the Coup in Turkey

by Robert Olson  The consequences of the attempted coup in Turkey on July 15 are already clear in terms of the government’s war against various Kurdish factions such as the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), the Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK), the… Continue Reading

Conflict between Kurds and Syrian Refugees in Turkey?

by Robert Olson An estimated 2.5 million Syrian refugees live in Turkey. They are scattered all over Turkey including Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Antalya, and along the southern coast. There are also 600,000-700,000 in refugee camps. Increasingly, these refugees from Syria… Continue Reading

War Between Kurds and Turks?

by Robert Olson Selahattin Demirtas, co-chair of the People’s Democratic Party (HDP), has mentioned several times in the last few months that Turkey and its Kurdish population will go to war. He stated such a possibility in early March while… Continue Reading

A Peace Plan for Syria—and for Kurds?

by Robert Olson James Dobbins, Philip Gordon, and Jeffery Martini, ranking members of Rand Corporation and former State Department officials, have authored another study advocating polices that the U.S. should pursue to obtain some kind of peace in Syria. Given the… Continue Reading