Iran Deal: When The Tumult and the Shouting Dies

by Robert E. Hunter Shakespeare said that “old men forget.” And so, it seems, do societies. Fifteen years ago, a US administration, from the president through his top aides, lied the nation into invading Iraq, and the region and the… Continue Reading

Thinking about the Thinkable

by Robert E. Hunter The late Herman Kahn created a major stir in 1962, when he published a comprehensive and deeply unsettling study on thermonuclear war, Thinking About the Unthinkable. Fortunately, his propositions about what was understood, in retrospect, to… Continue Reading

The Syrian Timebomb is Ticking More Loudly

by Robert E. Hunter The conflict in Syria could soon take on dimensions that no one outside of that country really wants and with consequences that will have destructive effects far beyond the local issues at stake, notably intensifying US-Russian… Continue Reading

End of Hope for Trump’s Middle East Policy

by Robert E. Hunter This past week could go down as the worst for the US role in the world since the misbegotten 2003 invasion of Iraq, whose tragic consequences still bedevil us. In both cases, the damage has been… Continue Reading

Trump and Kim Together—Now What?

by Robert E. Hunter The sudden announcement that President Donald Trump will meet with Chairman Kim Jong-un—at least so it seems—has taken the world by surprise. Diplomats and commentators alike are hurrying to catch up. Already, Trump’s supporters have claimed… Continue Reading