Obama Administration Ignores Hawks’ Demands on Sanctions

The Obama administration announced penalties today against Naftiran Intertrade Co., a Swiss subsidiary of Iran’s national oil company but avoided any mention of Chinese or Russian companies who continue to trade with Iran. Neoconservatives have called on the Obama administration… Continue Reading

The Daily Talking Points

News and views relevant to U.S.-Iran relations for September 28: Washington Post: The Post picks up a report from the Associated Press about the upcoming arrival in Tehran of an Omani delegation to secure the release of the two remaining… Continue Reading

Neoconservatives Dust Off “Appeasement” Argument

A familiar neoconservative talking point reared its head again yesterday. Jonathan Tobin, the executive editor of Commentary magazine, attacked the P5+1’s outreach to Tehran and their renewed interest in reviving the Geneva nuclear fuel swap proposal as “appeasement.” He wrote:… Continue Reading