Neocons to Obama: Keep Quiet on Flotilla, Or Iran Gets It

Michael Rubin:

If Obama decides it is in America’s interest to make an example of Israel after the Gaza flotilla incident in order to win goodwill in Cairo, Beirut, Tehran, and Ankara, then he must also recognize that the leadership in Jerusalem is going to conclude that it cannot trust the United States to safeguard its security, and that therefore it must take matters into its own hands on any number of issues, not the least of which is Iran’s nuclear program. In effect, if the White House decides to come down hard on Israel now, it is the same as giving a green light for Israel to strike Iran.

Rubin quickly claims that he is not engaging in “advocacy” for an Israeli strike on Iran, just as he claims to be opposed to military against Iran in general. (The real question, of course, is not whether bombing Iran would be his first choice but whether he prefers war to containment and deterrence as a last resort). But the threat is clear: keep quiet on the flotilla attack, or Israel starts a war with Iran — thereby destabilizing the region and jeopardizing the U.S. military efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan. The obvious word for this is “blackmail”.

Daniel Luban

Daniel Luban is a postdoctoral associate at Yale University. He holds a PhD in politics from the University of Chicago and was formerly a correspondent in the Washington bureau of Inter Press Service.



  1. Q:why does the usa care if isreal attacks iran?
    Are you some kind of RETARD that thinks everything happens in a vacuum. If Israel attacks Iran than the price of oil skyrockets (this effects everyone).

    This is of course a MOOT POINT, because Israel is a paper tiger, the big bad wolf, it’s literally too chicken shit to attack Iran. THEY ARE BLUFFING, CALL THEM ON IT

  2. “my question: why does the usa care if isreal attacks iran?”

    Here’s a few:

    1- It will drive up the price of oil and create economic hardship. (Israels action in the 1967 war resulted in the oil embargo of the 70s and cost Americans many hundreds of billions if not trillions in highers oil prices from that time forward)

    2- It could lead to massive disruption of oil supplies through the Persian Gulf and unforeseen expansion of the war.

    3- USA citizens will once again be expected to die for Israel’s security after they get their axx whipped and their forces decimated even though they initiated the attack.

    The solution is a single and diverse multi cultural non-theocratic state that will accommodate both Israelis and Palestinians on both of their lands. Also elimination of Israeli nukes, resulting in leverage against nuclear proliferation from Iran, etc and a peaceful non-nuclear Middle East.

  3. this is so obvious since ages. but it will probably happen this time. Israel gets more and more nervous.

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