A Bit More on Dennis Ross

by Ali Gharib By way of a brief update to my recent post on Dennis Ross’s Blame America First outlook on the rocky US-Israel relationship, I think it’s worthwhile to come up to speed on a couple of late-developing points.… Continue Reading

How the World Should Respond to the Jerusalem “Uprising”

by Emile Nakhleh The ongoing violence in Jerusalem, as evidenced in the daily stabbings of Israelis and the killings of Palestinian youth, is heart-wrenching—and, of course, it’s unsustainable. The international community, including the key Arab states, cannot remain willfully oblivious to… Continue Reading

Another Intifada?

by Naomi Dann Palestinians living under Israeli military occupation experience daily injustices: mass arrests, arbitrary detentions, military raids, separate and unequal legal systems, road closures, restrictions on travel, and settler attacks. However, only when Israeli Jews are killed does the… Continue Reading

BDS in Perspective

by Mitchell Plitnick In the ten years since it commenced, the global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS) has slowly but steadily risen in visibility. Today, both the Israeli government and some in the U.S. are presenting it as an… Continue Reading