My Own Democratic Platform Story

This week’s embarrassing brouhaha at the Democratic convention over Jerusalem as the eternal capital of Israel recalled for me a brief foray into Democratic Party politics I made back in 1976, when Sen. Scoop Jackson, whose office was the hatchery… Continue Reading

After Dempsey Warning, Israel May Curb War Threat

By Jim Lobe and Gareth Porter via IPS News President Barack Obama’s explicit warning that he will not accept a unilateral Israeli attack against Iran may force Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to step back from his ostensible threat of… Continue Reading

Kristol on Ends Justifying Means

Following on Marsha’s post about the Yitzhak Shamir, Bill Kristol’s eulogy for the late Israeli leader has not received the attention it deserves, particularly considering Kristol’s championship from the get-go of the “global war on terror”. His eulogy was included… Continue Reading

89% of Republicans Think Iran Nuclear Attack on Israel Likely; 63% Think Iraq Had WMD

Yes, it’s apparently true: 63% of Republicans still believe that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction when the U.S. invaded it in 2003. That, according to a remarkable new survey on foreign policy attitudes of self-identified Republicans, Democrats, and independents… Continue Reading