Kuwait and Saudi Arabia: Still Negotiating the Neutral Zone

by Khalid Al-Jaber Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) paid a formal visit to Kuwait on September 30. His visit only lasted for a few hours. Since he returned to Saudi Arabia, pundits have speculated that the meeting went… Continue Reading

Kandahar Assassinations Show Rising Taliban Strength in Afghanistan

by International Crisis Group At least one gunman attacked a gathering of Afghan and U.S. officials inside the Kandahar governor’s compound on the afternoon of October 18. The shooter, believed to be one of the governor’s guards, killed the most powerful man in… Continue Reading

America’s Motley Middle Eastern Crew

by James A. Russell The media has provided a daily barrage of coverage of the ever-changing story of how Jamal Khashoggi met his tragic and barbaric demise, with accompanying tales of just how awful those bad old Saudis really are.… Continue Reading

The Politics of the Turkish-Saudi Clash

by Eldar Mamedov As Saudi Arabia improvises cover-ups of the murder of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi, a dedicated group of pundits goes into an overdrive trying to minimize the blow to Saudi Arabia’s international reputation. One of the strategies they… Continue Reading