Fear of an Irish Settlement Boycott

by Mitchell Plitnick The Irish Senate passed a bill last week that would criminalize doing any business, in goods or services, with Israeli settlements. As with most legislation that concerns Israeli settlement activity, the bill is already highly controversial. Supporters… Continue Reading

Trump’s Scorched Earth Tour of Europe

by Mitchell Plitnick Like many other US citizens, I get very nervous every time Donald Trump goes to meet with foreign leaders. Whether they are friend, foe, competitor, or ally, it seems almost inevitable that Trump will find a creative… Continue Reading

Black Cube Crosses Another Line

by Mitchell Plitnick The private Israeli intelligence firm, Black Cube, is back in the headlines. This time, ex-employees have spilled the beans on a program to throw shade on non-governmental organizations in Hungary to help ensure the electoral victory of… Continue Reading

Trump’s Middle East Peace Plan: Doomed to Failure

by Mitchell Plitnick The regional tour of Donald Trump’s primary Middle East envoys—his lawyer, Jason Greenblatt, and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner—has concluded. So, it’s an appropriate time to take stock of the peace plan the Trump team seems to be… Continue Reading

The US Quits on Human Rights

by Mitchell Plitnick In a move that seemed very likely when Donald Trump was elected president and was cemented when he appointed Nikki Haley as ambassador to the United Nations, the United States withdrew from the United Nations Human Rights… Continue Reading