UPDATE: Washington Institute Reports Bigger Role for Ross

The matchless Nelson Report has updated the news about the prospective appointment of Dennis Ross as Special Envoy for Iran, and the update is even more concerning than the original report. Chris Nelson apparently got hold of an internal memo from the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP) in which its director, Robert Satloff, outlines Ross’ much-expanded job description. It reads as if Ross will be a sort of Middle East “czar”. Here it is, as quoted in the Report:

To: Members of the Board of Trustees
From: Chairman Fred Lafer, President Howard Berkowitz, and Executive
Director Robert Satloff
Re: Ambassador Dennis Ross to Join Obama Administration

We are delighted to share the news that Ambassador Dennis Ross, counselor and Ziegler Distinguished Fellow at The Washington Institute, has accepted an invitation to join the Obama administration as ambassador-at-large and senior advisor to Secretary of State-designate Hillary Clinton.

In that seventh-floor job, designed especially for him, Ambassador Ross
will be the secretary’s top advisor on a wide range of Middle East issues,
from the Arab-Israeli peace process to Iran. Ambassador Ross will not
reprise his previous role as special Arab-Israeli peace envoy, a post that
will be held by someone else; rather he will be working closely with both
the special envoy and the secretary. Ambassador Ross is expected to take
his post immediately after inauguration.

We know you share our pride in Ambassador Ross’s achievements, which
reflect not only his outstanding contribution to U.S. foreign policy, but
also the Institute’s unique role in supporting those who can advance peace
and security in the Middle East.

Needless to say, if the memo is genuine (and I have no doubt that it is) and accurate, Ross’ appointment marks a major setback for those who had hoped that Obama might bring some fresh thinking to Middle East policy, particularly vis-a-vis Iran and Israel-Palestine.

P.S. Haass has vigorously denied that he has been offered the Israel-Palestinian portfolio, although I’ve heard the denials are not entirely persuasive. If Haass indeed does not get it, then Dan Kurtzer, who served as a close adviser to Obama during the campaign, would be considered the most likely choice at this point, although Martin Indyk would, I imagine, be far more compatible with Ross. Indeed, neither Kurtzer nor Haass may find the job particularly inviting if they have to report through Ross to Clinton and the White House.

Jim Lobe

Jim Lobe served for some 30 years as the Washington DC bureau chief for Inter Press Service and is best known for his coverage of U.S. foreign policy and the influence of the neoconservative movement.



  1. Mike nearly nailed it (forgive the pun). The Zionist takeover is not yet complete. There are more appointments every day and a few more shocks to come. The US may not be on its deathbed, but is probably terminal. And as for Obama, he may appear to be presiding, but in reality he is simply obeying orders from his Israeli-Zionist-Jewish masters.

  2. What difference is there between US neo-con and a neo-liberal to those peoples in world they choose to focus their attention upon?

    The neocon is more open, direct and pragmatic, looks em in the eye, and kills them outright if they disagree, does the job and moves on to his next chosen victim.

    While the neo-liberal smiles, likes to hide behind Diplomacy, Democracy and Goodwill and drags many others between themselves and their objects of attentionto hide behind, as they smilingly and quietly from behind those front men, kills them, and then hollers, “We regret the unfortunate demise of those we were trying to help.”

    It amounts to excuses and honesty, one party wags the tail while the other unleashes the dog, but to the victims of US policy the results are much the same, it is their blood that is spilled, their cultures and futures are eaten by US insatiable greed and need for pwoer.

  3. dennis ross has consistenly lied to the American public via Fox News with Brit Hume. He is Israel’s representative at the State Dept. This is the worst appointment for the American public. He should be investigated for his Israeli connections!

  4. The Talented Mr. Obama fooled a majority of Americans from the outset and they have yet to discover the obvious. The madding crowd failed to notice Barack Obama reclaiming the name of the father who deserted him when he was but two years old, contemptuous of the feelings of his mother and grandmother who really raised him. They called him Barry. How must they have felt when he did that? He further denigrated his grandmother when, in his famous “race” speech he memorialized her attitude toward blacks as that of “a typical white person.” In the same speech he included a totally gratuitous line exonerating Israel and blaming Islamic extremism for all of the violence in the Middle East. Yet the pundits compared that speech with those of Thomas Jefferson.

    When the gravely ill grandmother he routinely credits with having made him what he is, was dying, Obama managed to take a mere 22 hours from his campaign to visit her in Hawaii. He told the press she might not live to November 4th and he wanted to be with her while she was still “lucid.” He left her to die with only his half sister by her side. Obama routinely insists that his grandmother always stood by him. Clearly he didn’t stand by her. He had more important things on his mind: his presidential ambitions. So much for his lucidity. And so much for his priorities.

    And yet the content of his character didn’t inhibit the New York Times from running two articles on his bedside visit, the one titled “Obama Makes Visit to a Most Beloved Supporter,” and the other, “Obama Takes Time for a Woman Dear to Him.” And TIME carried a similar expression of misplaced sympathy titled “Obama’s Hawaii Trip: Family Comes First.”

    Nothing these days surprises me. During the primary, I watched his televised speech to an audience of women, more than a few of college age. When Obama paused to blow his nose, they screamed with delight and admiration. It was as if he had just parted the Red Sea. Why should anyone be surprised that he has chosen a Zionist zealot as his special envoy to Iran? He knows where his bread is buttered.

    I don’t blame Obama. He is what he is–a seller. I blame the buyers, particularly those who call themselves journalists, pundits and academics. And I worry about their lucidity. And I worry about the content of their character.

  5. Counted days for american… Wait and c wat obama gonna do with ur country. Sorry not obama but neocons behind obama. They will hurt america more than they gonna heart middle east or iran.

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