The Daily Talking Points

News and views on U.S.-Iran relations for February 9: The Wall Street Journal: Kenneth M. Pollack, director of the Saban center at the Brookings Institution, opines, “Could al Qaeda Hijack Egypt’s Revolution?” and observes, “the Iranian regime is also gleeful… Continue Reading

Dov Zakheim Spells Out Dangers of the “Military Option”

Former Undersecretary of Defense Dov Zakheim is coming out strongly against an Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities. Zakheim, a foreign policy hawk, talked to The Jerusalem Post at the Herzliya Conference. They reported: Zakheim said in an interview that… Continue Reading

The Daily Talking Points

News and views on U.S.-Iran relations for February 8: The Washington Post: Jennifer Rubin blogs that, in Israel, “dissent is celebrated, not suppressed.” She bolsters this assertion by citing yesterday’s Herzliya Conference panel on Iran’s nuclear program, characterizing the panel… Continue Reading

Jennifer Rubin: North Korea Holds “the world hostage” and Stuxnet Promotes “A Lacksadasical Attitude”

The Washington Post‘s Jennifer Rubin, who has been attending the Herzliya Conference, has been displaying a striking vitriol for anyone who suggests that the Iranian nuclear program is anything less than an immediate existential threat to Israel. Today, her “Right Turn”… Continue Reading

What Happened to Jeffrey Goldberg’s “Consensus”?

Incoming Israeli Defense Force commander, Major General Benny Gantz, might be a friend to the IDF’s “Iran-skeptics” and a potential thorn in the side of Netanyahu and Barak. Their attempts to portray Israeli leadership as sharing a unanimous opinion of… Continue Reading