Neocon Iran Policy Committee tied to disgraced Iraqi National Congress

And Eli Clifton The Iran Policy Committee (IPC), the Mujahedeen-e Khalq (MEK), and the Iraqi National Congress (INC) are connected in more ways than just a neocon modus operandi of taking exile groups with little or no domestic legitimacy, using… Continue Reading

Skepticism about MEK’s alleged Iranian nuke revelation

The Iran Policy Committee, a neoconservative-led group associated with the Mujahedeen-e Khalq (MEK), held a press conference today in Washington to reveal what it said was a previously undisclosed Iranian nuclear site near the Iranian city of Qazvin. The MEK,… Continue Reading

Holes in Neocon pushback against Linkage

The most vociferous stateside opponents of linkage — the notion, accepted at the highest levels of the U.S. military, that resolving the Arab-Palestinian conflict will forward the U.S.’s broader strategic interests in the region — tend to come from the… Continue Reading

Liberals on “This Week” say Iran War is Politically Unpopular

When host Christiane Amanpour brought up Mid East peace talks on ABC’s Sunday talk show “This Week,” the topic of conversation went quickly from the talks themselves to the West’s standoff with Iran over its nuclear program. But there was… Continue Reading