Perpetual War

How Does the Global War on Terror Ever End?  by Jeremy Scahill via Tom Dispatch [This epilogue to Scahill’s bestselling book, Dirty Wars: The World Is a Battlefield, is posted with the kind permission of its publisher, Nation Books.] On January 21,… Continue Reading

Jeremy Scahill: “no such thing as a clean war”

Yesterday a Senate hearing was held on the Obama administration’s “targeted killing” program, which you can watch here. It resulted in headlines like this. To date, discussions about President Obama’s use of “kill lists” and assassinations of those deemed as… Continue Reading

Filling the Empty Battlefield

Jeremy Scahill, Blowback Reporter by Tom Engelhardt via Tom Dispatch Chalmers Johnson’s book Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire was published in March 2000 — and just about no one noticed.  Until then, blowback had been an obscure term of… Continue Reading