Trump’s Wall is Alive in Hungary, which is why Orban is befriending Assad

by Nicolai Due-Gundersen “You’re respected all over Europe,” Trump insisted when meeting Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban at the White House in May 2019. For his part, Orban confirmed that his views on immigration were aligned with Trump’s border wall… Continue Reading

American Concentration Camps?

by Henry Siegman The Holocaust was invoked this month, first by Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and then by a group called The World Values Network. The latter is headed by Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, who modestly crowned himself “America’s Rabbi,” and is… Continue Reading

The European Parliament Elections and Migration

by Jonathan Fenton-Harvey The 2019 elections for the European Parliament (EP) could lead to a further enforcement of inhumane refugee and asylum seeker policies, as far-right, anti-immigrant parties made gains at the expense of centrist coalitions. There is a chance… Continue Reading