The WaPo’s Strange Treatment of Adelson Pal Paul Singer

by Jim Lobe A week after the now-notorious “Adelson Primary” at the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) convention in Las Vegas, the Washington Post ran the first of what it called a series of profiles of a “handful of wealthy donors”… Continue Reading

The Messianic, Apocalyptic Bibi Netanyahu

by Jim Lobe & Daniel Luban For much of the past few years, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has described the ruling regime in Iran as “messianic” and “apocalyptic”, a talking point he repeated over and over again last week… Continue Reading

Iran Looms over Syria Debate for Pro-Israel Groups

by Jim Lobe via IPS News With Congress still deliberating over Barack Obama’s request for authorisation to take military action against Syria, the powerful Israel lobby here has taken the lead in pressing the president’s case. But in addition to… Continue Reading

Is the Weekly Standard’s “Historian Friend” Israel’s Ambassador? Eliot Cohen Perhaps?

I’d love to know the identity of The Weekly Standard‘s “historian friend” featured in a brief post this morning by Daniel Halper and wonder if it may have been Israel’s ambassador here, Michael Oren. Here’s the quote: Military service in… Continue Reading

Self-fulfilling prophecy: Dennis Ross Doesn’t Think Anything Can Get Accomplished

I was struck by an article by Nathan Guttman in the legendary Jewish Daily Forward about Dennis Ross and George Mitchell jockeying for the position of Obama Administration’s point-person in the Middle East peace process. The whole thing is a… Continue Reading