Did Danny Ayalon Listen to Petraeus or Read WikiLeaks?

As mentioned in today’s Talking Points, Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon has an op-ed in the Washington Times in which he pronounces the “death of ‘linkage’.” Ayalon claims that both the recent instability in the Middle East and WikiLeaks… Continue Reading

The Daily Talking Points

News and views on U.S.-Iran relations for February 23: The Wall Street Journal: The Foundation for Defense of Democracies’ Emanuele Ottolenghi opines, “Arabs’ revolutionary awakening belies Western conventional wisdom in the Middle East,” and repeats a linkage-denying argument that “ordinary… Continue Reading

APN’s Friedman on AJC’s Harris Linkage-denial

Lara Friedman, of Americans for Peace Now, has a great post up on Huffington in which she debunks the many claims of American Jewish Committee Chief David Harris. Friedman takes on Harris’s attempt to debunk ‘linkage,’ the concept that the… Continue Reading

The Daily Talking Points

News and views on U.S.-Iran relations for February 9: The Wall Street Journal: Kenneth M. Pollack, director of the Saban center at the Brookings Institution, opines, “Could al Qaeda Hijack Egypt’s Revolution?” and observes, “the Iranian regime is also gleeful… Continue Reading