Neocons vs. Neocon on Iran

by Ali Gharib Maybe I spoke too soon when I declared the fight over the new Iran bill wending its way through Congress as one between hard-line neoconservatives and AIPAC. The broad outlines of what I wrote remain true—everything from… Continue Reading

Who Are the Billionaires Attacking Obama’s Iran Diplomacy?

by Eli Clifton Since taking the helm of The Israel Project two and a half years ago, former AIPAC spokesman Josh Block has turned the pro-Israel advocacy group into one of the shrillest opponents of diplomacy with Iran. But, according… Continue Reading

Neocons and Democracy: Egypt as a Case Study

by Jim Lobe If one thing has become clear in the wake of last week’s military coup d’etat against Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, it’s that democracy promotion is not a core principle of neoconservatism. Unlike protecting Israeli security and preserving… Continue Reading

Iranian Elections: Netanyahu, Neoconservatives Are the Big Losers

by Mitchell Plitnick Outside of Iran, there is no doubt that the biggest losers in Iran’s election this past weekend were the Likud government in Israel and its supporters, especially neoconservatives, in the United States. The response of Israel’s Prime… Continue Reading

WaPo Really Thinks U.S. Should Be World’s Policeman

by Jim Lobe If you want to get some insight into how the Washington Post’s editorial board increasingly thinks of the world and the U.S. role in it, editorial page editor Fred Hiatt’s column in Monday’s newspaper provides a good… Continue Reading