Major U.S. Debate Over Wisdom of Syria Attack

by Jim Lobe via IPS News While some kind of U.S. military action against Syria in the coming days appears increasingly inevitable, the debate over the why and how of such an attack has grown white hot here. On one… Continue Reading

Limited US Influence in Egypt Can Still Do Some Good

by Mitchell Plitnick When is a coup not a coup? When calling it that carries repercussions that make a bad situation worse. US President Barack Obama is struggling with recent events in Egypt. Once again he’s presented with a situation… Continue Reading

On Iran, Ross Still Knows Best

by Jim Lobe Exactly three weeks ago, a confident Dennis Ross, President Barack Obama’s top Iran policy-maker for most of his first term, made the following assessments and predictions in an op-ed entitled, ironically, “Don’t Discount the Iranian Election:”

Iranian Elections: Netanyahu, Neoconservatives Are the Big Losers

by Mitchell Plitnick Outside of Iran, there is no doubt that the biggest losers in Iran’s election this past weekend were the Likud government in Israel and its supporters, especially neoconservatives, in the United States. The response of Israel’s Prime… Continue Reading