Cutting Financial Aid to Pakistan May Not Bring Peace to Afghanistan

by Fatemeh Aman A new report by the State Department on terrorism criticizes Pakistan for failing to prevent terrorist groups, especially the Afghan Taliban and Haqqani Network (HQN), from using Pakistan as a safe haven. But the reality is that… Continue Reading

Beneath America’s Turbulent Relationship with Its Most Hated Ally

by Abrahim Shah Relations between the United States and its erstwhile ally Pakistan can best be characterized as turbulent. Ever since Pakistan decided to entrench itself in the American camp during the Cold War, Pakistan and America have gone back… Continue Reading

China’s Dilemma on Militancy

by James M. Dorsey China’s recent failure to shield Pakistan from censorship by an international anti-terrorism funding and anti-money laundering body suggests that the People’s Republic is struggling to balance its contradictory interests in South Asia and may be trying… Continue Reading

How the U.S. Created the Afghan War — and Then Lost It

The Unreported Story of How the Haqqani Network Became America’s Greatest Enemy* by Anand Gopal It was a typical Kabul morning. Malik Ashgar Square was already bumper-to-bumper with Corolla taxis, green police jeeps, honking minivans, and angry motorcyclists. There were boys… Continue Reading