Answering the Attacks on the Green New Deal

by John Feffer It’s become a common trope of the Trump era for columnists and commentators to attack the lunacy of the far right at the same time as castigating the “loony left.” These pundits, who usually place themselves in… Continue Reading

Liberals on “This Week” say Iran War is Politically Unpopular

When host Christiane Amanpour brought up Mid East peace talks on ABC’s Sunday talk show “This Week,” the topic of conversation went quickly from the talks themselves to the West’s standoff with Iran over its nuclear program. But there was… Continue Reading

The Daily Talking Points

News and Views Relevant to U.S.-Iran relations for August 16th, 2010: The Financial Times: Daniel Dombey reports that the White House has warned Turkey that it could lose access to U.S. weapons, including drone aircraft that Ankara wants to acquire… Continue Reading

The Daily Talking Points

News and Views Relevant to U.S.-Iran relations for August 12th, 2010: Foreign Policy: Michael Eisenstadt and David Crist, both fellows at the AIPAC-formed and often hawkish Washington Institute for Near East Policy, write that President Obama must “convince Tehran that… Continue Reading