Vitaly Churkin: The Consummate Professional

by Robert E. Hunter The death at age 64 of the Russian ambassador to the United Nations, Vitaly Churkin, calls for a moment of reflection about the course Russia has taken since the Soviet Union’s collapse. US officials and the… Continue Reading

Mosul and America’s Quixotic Search for the “Decisive” Battle

by James A. Russell and Donald Abenheim The Super Bowl-like reporting about the assault on Mosul is regrettably but perhaps inevitably cloaked in America’s desperate search for a clear-cut, decisive battle that will allow the country to bask in the glow… Continue Reading

The Obama Doctrine?

by Robert E. Hunter As the Obama administration starts to wind down, it has become open season on the president and his record, especially in foreign policy. The literary potshots have even come from people who had been honored with… Continue Reading

Obama the Realist

by Paul R. Pillar Jeffrey Goldberg’s long article in the Atlantic about Barack Obama’s thinking on America’s foreign relations, an article derived from a series of interviews that Goldberg had with the president, ought to be required reading for this… Continue Reading