Our Political Dysfunction Has Turned Us Inward and That’s a Recipe for Disasters Ahead

by James J. Zogby Domestic American politics have become so cripplingly partisan that Congress can’t pass a long-term spending bill or deal the critical issues like immigration reform, comprehensive health care reform, or provide the massive funding needed to repair our… Continue Reading

The World According to Trump

by Alfred W. McCoy As 2017 ended with billionaires toasting their tax cuts and energy executives cheering their unfettered access to federal lands as well as coastal waters, there was one sector of the American elite that did not share in… Continue Reading

The Legacy and Lessons of Zbigniew Brzezinski

by Robert E. Hunter Zbigniew Brzezinski’s funeral last week at Washington’s St. Mathew’s Cathedral was characterized by The New York Times as remembrance of “a Lost Era…a bygone political moment most [of the mourners] seemed to prefer.” That was true… Continue Reading

Polls: Americans Want to Stay Engaged Internationally

by Program for Public Consultation A new study from the University of Maryland’s Program for Public Consultation calls into question the widespread assumption that the American public wants to disengage from world affairs. Rather, the PPC study reveals that large… Continue Reading