Dystrumpia: Donald Trump’s Dark Future Now

by Joe Cirincione There is a growing concern that Donald Trump is wrecking the core instruments of domestic tranquility and global security. “I don’t think we are fully grappling with the possibility that we could be on the cusp of… Continue Reading

US Backing Israeli War of Choice In Gaza

by Mitchell Plitnick The moral high ground is always a tenuous piece of property. It is difficult to obtain and is easily lost. It is seen, however, as crucial because most people, all over the world, cannot accommodate the notion… Continue Reading

Israeli PM Launches Verbal Attack on US

Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu seems to be having a hard time keeping a lid on his temper these days. But the White House may also be losing patience with Netanyahu. Continue Reading

Hawks on Iran

In response to a worrying trend in U.S. politics, Lobe Log publishes “Hawks on Iran” every Friday. Our posts highlight militaristic commentary and confrontational policy recommendations about Iran from a variety of sources including news articles, think tanks and pundits.… Continue Reading