The American Military’s Repetition-Compulsion Complex 

by Ann Jones Here we go again! Years after most Americans forgot about the longest war this country ever fought, American soldiers are again being deployed to Afghanistan. For almost 16 years now, at the command of three presidents and a sadly forgettable succession… Continue Reading

How Veterans Are Losing the War at Home

by Ann Jones A friend of mine, a Vietnam vet, told me about a veteran of the Iraq War who, when some civilian said, “Thank you for your service,” replied: “I didn’t serve, I was used.” That got me thinking… Continue Reading

Afghanistan “After” the American War

by Ann Jones Ten months ago, on December 28, 2014, a ceremony in Kabul officially marked the conclusion of America’s very long war in Afghanistan. President Obama called that day “a milestone for our country.” After more than 13 years,… Continue Reading