A President Without Purpose

by Paul R. Pillar Since early in last year’s election campaign, countless pages of commentary about Donald Trump’s presidency have taken the form that policy analysis about U.S. presidents and presidential candidates usually takes. Purported policy objectives are identified, the… Continue Reading

It’s Time to Leave Afghanistan

by Robert E. Hunter President Barack Obama took several months, and his direct personal engagement throughout that period, to decide that the United States should remain militarily engaged in Afghanistan. President Donald Trump took far less time, was far less… Continue Reading

Trump draws geopolitical battle lines in South Asia

by James M. Dorsey President Donald J. Trump has drawn battle lines in South Asia that are likely to have a ripple effect across Eurasia: a stepped-up war against the Taliban in Afghanistan, a tougher approach towards Pakistan’s selective support… Continue Reading

Donald Trump, the Hawk, Follows His Instincts

by Charles Davis “My original instinct was to pull out,” he said. “And historically, I like following my instincts.” That was U.S. President Donald Trump, talking about Afghanistan, announcing on Aug. 21 that he was prepared to deploy thousands more… Continue Reading