Fox News Anchor Surprised that Iran Hawk’s “Offices are in Israel”

Much like the promotion of the Clarion Fund’s previous films —“Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West” and “The Third Jihad”— the film’s producers have found Fox News to be a reliable partner in asking softball questions to Clarion Fund… Continue Reading

The Daily Talking Points

News and views on U.S.-Iran relations for February 11: The Weekly Standard: Stephen Schwartz writes on “Iran’s Conspiracy Industry” and observes that “conspiracy theories have long flourished in the lands of Islam.” Schwartz offers a rundown of recent anti-Semitic television… Continue Reading

The Daily Talking Points

News and views on U.S.-Iran relations for February 10: The Washington Post: Former Israeli ambassador Sallai Meridor opines on “What Israel fears in Egypt.” He observes, “Within every revolution are some who hope to use democratic processes to establish oppressive… Continue Reading

“Iranium” Filmmaker Hits His Mark

The Clarion Fund has been careful to promote their latest film, “Iranium,” as an attempt to educate the public and “sound an alarm” about Iran. The film’s director, Alex Traiman, told an audience at the film’s Washington, D.C. premiere that… Continue Reading