Can Europe Resist the Trump Tide?

by John Feffer Norbert Hofer is a nasty piece of work. On the surface, he seems like a bland, soft-spoken, conventionally handsome Central European engineer-turned-politician who emphasizes the conventional conservative values of family and nation. But during the recent prolonged… Continue Reading

Will the Trump Administration Start a War with Iran?

by Paul R. Pillar The direct stakes in whether the Trump administration adheres to the agreement that restricts the Iranian nuclear program are important enough, in terms of nuclear nonproliferation.  Also important are the opportunities to build on that agreement… Continue Reading

Four Principles for a Progressive Foreign Policy in the Trump Era

by Diana Ohlbaum If there is one thing for which progressives can thank American voters in the 2016 election, it is shaking foreign policy elites from their smug consensus. The basic tenets of the free-trade and military-interventionist orthodoxy, endorsed by… Continue Reading

“Nation-Building” Is Back: Now with Contractors

by Tim Shorrock Last month, President-elect Donald Trump told The New York Times that the United States under his watch will not “be a nation builder.” It was a variation on a comment he had made dozens of times during… Continue Reading