The Rise of the Development Industrial Complex

by David Isenberg The private military and security contracting (PMSC) industry has long claimed, not without some justification, that all the publicity about private security contractors—that is, guys carrying guns—overshadows and unfairly tars the work of reconstruction. This latter subcategory… Continue Reading

The Demise of the Two-State Solution and Israel’s Culpability

by Robert Olson “The fading two-state solution.” This was the caption of the lead editorial of The New York Times on Jan. 23, emphasizing there was no or little chance of any two-state solution in which a Palestinian state would… Continue Reading

Wrestling with Iran

by John Feffer In Iran, wrestling commands the same level of public interest as football in the United States. This is no passing fad. Wrestling is intimately entwined with the history and culture of the country, going back to the… Continue Reading

Inconsistent Impatience on Cuba

by Paul R. Pillar A Washington Post editorial proclaims in its headline, “Failure in Cuba,” with a bank head that declares, “Mr. Obama’s opening is not leading to positive change.” One should not expect anyone, including editorial boards, who have… Continue Reading