Spies Against Armageddon–and towards a Moral Morass?

Spies Against Armageddon: Inside Israel’s Secret Wars, a real life “thriller” about the exploits of Israel’s intelligence agencies,  has been making headlines since its publication on July 9. Not only do its authors, CBS News’ Dan Raviv and Israeli journalist… Continue Reading

Kristol on Ends Justifying Means

Following on Marsha’s post about the Yitzhak Shamir, Bill Kristol’s eulogy for the late Israeli leader has not received the attention it deserves, particularly considering Kristol’s championship from the get-go of the “global war on terror”. His eulogy was included… Continue Reading

Avihu Ben-Nun on Iran

Marsha Cohen, Lobe Log’s resident Israel-Iran relations expert, tells me that while the 11th Commander in Chief of the Israeli Air Force, Avihu Ben-Nun, is not an important figure in current Israeli foreign policy debates, his viewpoints are reflective of those… Continue Reading