Jim Lobe: Al Qaeda’s Project for Ending the American Century Largely Succeeded

Inter Press Service Washington Bureau Chief Jim Lobe analyzes the effects of Al Qaeda’s 9/11 terror attacks on the U.S. 10 years after the event: A decade after its spectacular Sep. 11, 2001 attacks on New York City’s twin World… Continue Reading

Ron Paul Feeds Right-Wing Conspiracy Theory That Government Could Turn U.S. Into A Concentration Camp

Reposted by arrangement with Think Progress While last night’s Republican debate offered few surprises as the primary field wrapped themselves in the legacy of Ronald Reagan and roundly denounced the Obama administration’s fiscal, foreign, and social policies, Ron Paul stood… Continue Reading

Do Robert Gates And David Petraeus Agree On ‘Linkage?’

Reposted by arrangement with Think Progress Jeffrey Goldberg’s report on a meeting of National Security Council Principals Committee (NSC/PC), in which Secretary of Defense Robert Gates expressed frustration with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s intransigence on the peace process and… Continue Reading

Libya and the specter of the unknown

By Reza Sanati Just as the fall of Kabul and Baghdad ignited a spate of jubilation and self-vindication from proponents of intervention in those countries, the fall of Tripoli has reincarnated this pattern, both from humanitarian interventionists and their U.S.-interest… Continue Reading